
Saturday, 20 July 2013

5 Tips to Extend iPhone Battery Life

1: Turn Brightness Way Down & Turn Off Auto-Adjust

Setting screen brightness to be low and disabling automatic adjustments can make a huge difference. If you do nothing else recommended here, do this:
  • Open Settings and go to “Brightness & Wallpaper”
  • Slide the adjuster bar as far to the left as you can tolerate
  • Flip “Auto-Brightness” to OFF

    2: Turn LTE OFF

    You may recall that, despite some criticism, Apple didn’t adopt LTE immediately – and the hit to battery life is exactly why they waited. The iPhone 5 definitely gets better battery life than a lot of other LTE devices, but it’s still not great. If you don’t use LTE much, turn it off and your battery will thank you.
    • Go to Settings > General > Cellular > Enable LTE to OFF

      3: Turn Off Unnecessary Location Services

      GPS uses quite a bit of battery, and many apps use location for a variety of reasons. Thus, every time you open or use a location dependent app, it hits your battery life, which is why turning off as many location aware services as possible helps to prolong battery. Turn this off for literally everything that doesn’t absolutely require it (basically, Weather, Maps, Google Maps, and Find My iPhone, are all that should stay on here).
      • Go to Settings > Privacy > Location Services > flip all unnecessary services to OFF

        4: Turn Off Unnecessary Cellular Data Usage

        No, you’re not turning off cellular data completely (though that would help, but then your iPhone is obviously much less useful), instead you will turn off cellular data usage for items that just aren’t necessary, like updating iCloud documents, iTunes information, FaceTime, Passbook updates, and Reading List cross-device syncing.
        • Go to Settings > General > Cellular > Toggle everything under “Use Cellular Data for:” to OFF

          5: Disable Mail Push and Set Fetch to Manual

          This means that your iPhone will no longer check for new mail on it’s own, meaning if you want to know if you have emails awaiting you, you’ll need to launch Mail app and do the pull-to-refresh gesture to check yourself.
          • Go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Fetch New Data > flip Push to OFF
          • In the same Settings menu, go to “Fetch” and choose “Manually”

1 comment:

  1. Turn this off for literally everything that doesn’t absolutely require it (basically, Weather, Maps, Google Maps, and Find My iPhone, are all that should stay on here). 800% batteries
