
Sunday, 21 July 2013

How To Increase Your Lumia’s Battery Life

Change email sync time to 15/30 minutes rather than “as items arrive”- The impact on battery life is obvious, syncing as soon as email arrives is a power sucker; especially when using multiple emails on your phone. I noticed an almost 3 hour increase in battery life when I switched the 4 synced email accounts to retrieve every 15 minutes rather than as soon as it arrives.
Email sync time can be changed from “Email–>Settings–>Sync Settings–>Download New Content”

Disable Xbox live IF you don’t play any Xbox live games online- If you don’t play any games on the Xbox live server (such as Wordament or Alphajax etc.) then it’s a smart idea to turn off the connection to Xbox live; stopping it from constantly searching for friend and game requests.
To disable Xbox live go to the games tile “Settings–>Connect With Xbox live–>set to off”

Set screen brightness to “low” or “Auto-brightness” rather than high- Screen brightness is a huge battery eater, especially on the Lumia 920 which can go up to 600 nits, and goes to a high contrast mode in direct sunlight that helps direct visibility.
To change the brightness go to “Settings–>Brightness–>and change the settings”
Change your maximum data speed to match what your carrier provides- Depending on your carrier/location (not available in the US/At&t apparently); but if you live in an area with poor 4G coverage or spotty reception it’s better to shut off your 4G antenna and save some precious juices.
To shut off 4G/3G go to “Settings–>Cellular/Mobile Network–>Highest Connection Speed”

Disable NFC/Tap to Send if you don’t use it- NFC is a great feature, but unfortunately it’s not exactly everywhere right now (especially outside the US) so if you don’t use NFC much keep it off to so save some battery.
Disable NFC from “Settings–>Tap + Send”

Disable any non-vital applications from running in background- Some apps will run in the background and drain your battery as well as your data plan, to avoid that prevent them from running when closed.
To block background applications go to “Settings–> Swipe to the “applications pane” on the right”–>Disable any non-vital apps (such as Nokia Drive, Baconit, IMDB etc.)”

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